Newsletter Nº 01 - 09th Sept. 2010 > Your DLA local partner
  [ LOCAL NEWS] Portugal
Repository RED in the Schools Portal
The Portal of the Schools already have available a repository of digital learning resources (RED) to help teachers of different educational levels and subject areas to complement the materials using video, pictures and texts.

De acordo com o comunicado do Ministério da Educação, no site Portal das Escolas estão disponíveis 1512 recursos, sendo que 1086 foram validades por uma equipa de professores no activo, que receberam formação e certificação de recursos de educação digital. According to the statement of the Ministry of Education in the Schools Portal website is available resources 1512, and 1086 were validated by a team of teachers is, who received training and certification of digital educational resources.

Para aceder ao repositório, basta estar registado no Portal das Escolas, entrar no separador “Recursos” e aceder aos recursos validados. To access the repository, just be registered in the Schools Portal, enter the tab "Resources" and access to resources validated. Os professores registados podem ainda aceder a mais de 1,5 milhões de digitalizações de jornais e revistas portuguesas desde 1910 até aos dias de hoje. Teachers can also access recorded more than 1.5 million scans of Portuguese newspapers and magazines from 1910 until the present day.

Actualmente, os RED são procurados por muitos professores que além de utilizarem os recursos nas aulas, também aumentam o repositório com instrumentos que os próprios criam.
Currently, the RED are sought by many teachers as well as utilize resources in the classroom, they also increase the repository to create their own instruments.
Educational Technology in debate
The Municipal Council of Vila Real will host on Saturday 11th December, the V Conference Teaching and Learning with Educational Technology.

The event will be held in the Auditorium of Forest Sciences, University of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro and aims "to promote a debate on the importance of adopting new teaching methods through the use of information technology," says the local authority in a statement.
Municipality of Porto provides guide BAV
The Municipality of Porto available on the website of the municipality a practical guide for compliance and submission of applications in the Virtual Service Desk (AVB) , to assist users in performing services electronically.

The AVB was created by the city of Porto with the objective of providing electronic services of public administration. To facilitate citizens' access to services, the council released a guide that explains step-by-step how to access and perform certain service as monitor processes on-line ordering or digital documents.

In BAV, users can access through the Citizen Card applications such as payment of any taxes, education and employment, geographical information, security and fire protection, among others.
Tarouca Shop receives the Citizen
Today (10/12/2010) opened the new shop Citizen Tarouca which is located at Avenida Padre Duarte Fernandes do Santos.
Na Loja está presente o Balcão Multiserviços, com serviços da ADSE, Automóvel Club de Portugal, Caixa Geral de Aposentações, Direcção-Geral da Administração da Justiça, Direcção-Geral do Consumidor, Direcção-Geral da Saúde, Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes Terrestres, Instituto da Segurança Social, Instituto da Segurança Social e EDP.Services now accessible: with services ADSE, Automobile Club of Portugal, the General Pension Fund, Directorate-General for Administration of Justice, Directorate-General for Consumer Protection, Directorate General of Health, Office of Mobility and Land Transport , Social Security Institute, Institute of Social Security and EDP, etc.
Com a abertura desta loja passam a estar disponíveis 28 Lojas do Cidadão , no continente e nas Regiões Autónomas dos Açores e da Madeira.With the opening of this store, there are now available 28 Citizen Shops , in the mainland and the Autonomous Regions of Azores and Madeira.
Open sources discussed in the Portuguese Republic Assembly
The Portuguese parliament today approved in general two bills submitted by the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) and the Left Block (BE), which require the adoption of open standards in the computer systems of the state. As questões deixadas em aberto foram muitas, mas para já as propostas seguem para o debate na especialidade. The questions left open were many, but for now the proposals are for discussion within the specialty.

Sublinhando que esta é uma «matéria que assume cada vez mais uma dimensão de importância estratégica nacional» e «é uma questão de soberania e segurança nacional», o deputado Bruno Dias, do PCP, foi o primeiro a intervir para apresentar uma proposta de projecto de lei no Parlamento.Stressing that this is a "matter that is increasingly assuming a dimension of national strategic importance 'and' is a matter of sovereignty and national security", PCP was the first to intervene to submit a project proposal bill in Parliament.

Central to the proposal of the Communists is the adoption of open standards and not "some kind of software ', ie' not dependent of a specific firm."
Social networks attract Portuguese municipalities
That new technologies play a fundamental role in society, as everyone knows. But this role has become more acute with the spread of Web 2.0-enabled interactivity among all internet users. Quick access and reduced costs virtual communities like Facebook or Twitter has gained wide acceptance with local authorities and citizens. At a stage when the economic crisis is a major factor in municipal decisions, the use of social networks for news dissemination and promotion of initiatives presented as the best solution. A survey by the municipalities iGOV sites reveals that a total of 308 Portuguese municipalities, 113 use at least one of the social networks. This research, which may sin by default, we emphasize the fact that about 30 municipalities are present in both channels. These two platforms are the most used, but some are in the blogosphere, on YouTube or Flickr.
Inform at no cost
Because they are free platforms, social networks prove to be an attractive weapon
In times of crisis, this is the main focus, to include citizens in policy making and to demonstrate the interest of his county by county. The interactivity in this way allows the momentary exchange of information, anytime and anywhere. And so, the municipality wins, knows better its citizens, and they become citizens, because the information comes to you in an accessible, convenient and fast.
Ireland's eGovernment Awards
The Digital Agenda 2015 was officially approved and published. This program is included in the Technological Plan which aims to improve services to citizens and economic agents, using Next Generation Networks and support the internationalization of companies.

Under Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 91/2010 of 19 November, the program focuses on five areas: Next Generation Networks; better governance in the citizens' access to public utilities, education excellence, with implementation Tools Information and Communication Technology, health outreach, mobility and energy smart.

These five action lines of the Digital Agenda 2015 includes 26 measures, with some already implemented.

The program supports universal access to a broadband network, the simplification of business licensing and service through the License Zero, the creation of the Virtual Math Tutor, the Electronic Health Record, and also the creation of Total Access that facilitates access to all public transport multimodal systems.