  DLA project
It is a pleasure for this partnership, leaded by CCDR-N, to present you DLA project and this first issue of its newsletter.
DLA project is an INTERREG IV C project aimed to improve regional policies in the fields of Digital Local Agenda in order to develop new activities related to the application of the Information and Communication Technologies to public services.
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DLA Project: First Activities
On 23rd February partners, we met for the first time at our kick-off meeting. There we work on the calendar of activities and we shared responsibilities about who should lead each action to be done. Since the beginning, DLA project is a shared work.
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noticia European Digital Agenda
Other interesting information about Information Society in Europe
19th May, European Commission presente dan ambitious Digital Agenda for Europe to contribute to the EU’s economic growth and spread the benefits of the digital era to all sections of society. This Digital Agenda is the first of seven flagship initiatives under the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
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90 million for research in future internet
Researchers from all parts of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector can apply for funding for projects in 2011. This research will focus on innovative internet applications to make infrastructures like health systems, energy grids or traffic management systems 'smart'.
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